Book Review - Contemporary Bioethics: An Islamic Perspective

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Al-Bar and Chamsi-Pasha have provided the world with a comprehensive encyclopaedia on all issues related to bioethics from an Islamic lens. This piece of work provides the reader with an all-inclusive introduction to the matters being discussed as well as a balanced approach to the Islamic opinions on selected case studies that are seen as contemporary on the current scene. This work is split into three segments, the first are labelled as introductory chapters and they discuss the definition of ethics, as chosen by the authors, as well as issues fundamental to later chapters such as the origins of Islamic morality and ethics and the oath of a Muslim physician. The second segment discusses the four principles of biomedical ethics with an Islamic perspective, namely: autonomy, nonmaleficence, beneficence and justice. Finally, the third segment collates contemporary issues related to bioethics and aims to provide Islamic evidence to the opinions of the scholars on these issues. Some of the issues Al-Bar and Chamsi-Pasha tackle are abortion, organ transplantation and end-of-life care. In the following paragraphs we will delve deeper into each of the segments to understand the opinions and facts provided by the authors on this hugely important subject.

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